Past Life Regression / Higher Self Connection Session

Past Life Regression and Connecting to One’s Higher Self, were first written about in the Kabbalah. This ancient practice has been used for hundreds of years. Dolores Cannon rediscovered these practices and created a modality called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She discovered early in her hypnosis practice that if her clients entered a deep enough trance, they could access the part of their awareness that stores information and memories from all their lives—past, present, and future. BBSQH (Beyond Body and Soul Quantum Hypnosis) was created by Abby House to expand upon Dolores’s teachings and empower practitioners to freely explore the quantum field and hypnosis techniques. Sara Gerber is trained in BBSQH. 

Put simply, quantum healing enables clients to achieve deep relaxation and access the right brainwave state, allowing the flow of their divine energy. It’s important to note that many clients do not enter a deep hypnotic state during their sessions and still experience wildly successful outcomes. What is the point of entering this special altered state of consciousness? It gives clients the ability to speak with their subconscious/higher self/oversoul. This consciousness is the essence of who we are as humans and can provide insight and healing for ANYTHING, including but not limited to: childhood wounds, generational trauma, past life karma, physical and health issues, life mission and purpose, spiritual gifts, and more. 

During this session, we will explore your past lives, your life in between lives, and connect with your higher self. Delving into your past lives can help you understand why your current life is the way it is. It can help explain phobias, anxiety, ailments, karma, and much more. In your life in between lives, you often get the chance to review the life you’ve just left. This helps you understand the purpose of those lives and the lessons meant to be learned. You can even determine if those lessons have been carried over into your current lifetime. 

Past Life Regression sessions are scheduled for three hours, providing clients with one-on-one access to the practitioner. All sessions are conducted remotely via the Zoom platform and include a recording of the session. Clients must be in a private space with complete silence and privacy (no interruptions from partners, roommates, pets, children, etc.), able to lie down comfortably for the two-hour hypnosis session, and equipped with wired headphones. A laptop is preferred, though a plugged-in smartphone is acceptable. A stable internet connection is essential; remote sessions cannot proceed with an unstable internet.

Examples of Questions You Can Ask the Higher Self:

What is my purpose in this lifetime?
How can I live true to my purpose?
What lessons have I come here to learn?
What lessons do I need to learn that I am not learning?
Why do I struggle in my relationship with ______?
Why did I choose my parents?
What lessons did I want to learn by having them as my parents, and have I learned them? If not,
what do I need to do to learn them?
Why did my soul choose the trauma that I’ve gone through in this life?
How do I heal from that trauma?
Am I on the right path in life?
What can I do to improve my career?
What career would be best suited for me?
Why is my marriage so full of conflict?
What lessons am I here to learn with my significant other?
Have I always incarnated on Earth, or other places too?
How many lives have I lived in my Higher Self evolution?
Have I ever lived lives as objects, animals, or plants?
What was my very first life that started my evolution journey?
What is the most important past life that can help me live this current one most successfully?
Why do I have issues with (arthritis, back pain, gastrointestinal issues, foot pain, etc.)?
Why can’t I lose weight/stop smoking/stop drinking, etc.?
Why do I have such difficulty with financial abundance in this life?
What do I need to do to obtain financial abundance?
What is the root cause of my anxiety/depression, and what can we do to heal this?
Why do I feel so lost?
Why do I feel so alone in this life?
Why do I feel blocked?
How can I overcome fears in this life (e.g., spiders, public speaking, crowds, heights, snakes)?
Why do I long for home even though this is the only home that I know?
Do my Spirit Guides have any messages for me?
Does a specific loved one have any messages for me?
Can my future self give me a specific message that will help me in my life right now?
What beliefs are currently creating my reality, and what could they be so I can live my best life?

These are just a few of the many types of questions you can ask the Higher Self. The sky is the
limit when it comes to what you can inquire about. This is your time to dig deep and find the
answers you’ve been looking for.

Ready to Experience the Beyond Within? 

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