Past Life Regression / Higher Self Connection Shortened Session

Past Life Regression and Connecting to One’s Higher Self, were first written about in the Kabbalah. This ancient practice has been used for hundreds of years. Dolores Cannon rediscovered these practices and created a modality called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She discovered early in her hypnosis practice that if her clients entered a deep enough trance, they could access the part of their awareness that stores information and memories from all their lives—past, present, and future. BBSQH (Beyond Body and Soul Quantum Hypnosis) was created by Abby House to expand upon Dolores’s teachings and empower practitioners to freely explore the quantum field and hypnosis techniques. Sara Gerber is trained in BBSQH. 

This condensed session offers the following options:

  1. Connect with your past life only. THIS SESSION DOES NOT CONNECT YOU WITH THE


  1. Connect with your Life in Between Lives only (for returning clients only). THIS SESSION


  1. Connect with your Higher Self only (for returning clients only).

Condensed sessions are scheduled for 2 hours, providing clients with one to one access to the
practitioner. All sessions are conducted remotely via the Zoom platform and include a recording
of the session. Clients must be in a private space with complete silence and privacy (no
interruptions from partners, roommates, pets, children, etc.), able to lie down
comfortably for the two-hour hypnosis session, and equipped with wired headphones. A
laptop is preferred, though a plugged-in smartphone is acceptable. A stable internet
connection is essential; remote sessions cannot proceed with an unstable internet.

Ready to dip your toes into the world of past lives or returning to ask a few more questions?

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